Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Patch of His Presence

God is opening uncommon doors. As we share, sing, and just filter throughout the crowd, we are watching as God is breaking down barriers and encouraging the heart of the people. There are awful things going on everywhere, what’s different is where the light is in the middle of the dark. A large percentage of the people that are drawn in by the worship attend church already. The ones being drawn though, are usually bruised and weary from the walk. As they enter this little patch of God’s presence located in a downtown park, they drink it in allowing God to quench a desperate thirst. We are finding people that are hurt and just need a place to heal. We are aware that not a single person may walk with us longer than this one moment, but what the Lord has us doing is bigger than us, it is of the Body of Christ.

One of our newest members of the WW team is a puppy named Knightley. People love to pet and talk to him. He has been an excellent ice breaker. Just this past week, he was able to minister to a woman who lost both of her dogs in one day. She just sat their petting him as she opened her heart and listened to the music.

“The week before I met a wonderful gentleman, who was impressed by the spiritual initiative of the WW young worship team, he had shared that week that he was going to have heart surgery on Wednesday. God helped me pray for him that he would have that peace that passes all understanding. To my amazement, he was back this Friday night just sitting on a bench. I went over to him and we started sharing again. He explained that many people had prayed for healing for him, but that one little prayer for peace meant more in the rough times of the week than all of the other prayers. He said he had always heard people praise God for helping them through their illness, but didn’t really understand it until he was right there in the middle of it. He thanked the Lord for that peace he had.”

“God has been helping me to share with people that are so different from one another. Some have a hunger for God, some not, but what is important is that we are connecting to everyone.”

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Without Walls Stories of Friday Night, May 15th Falls Park, Greenville, SC

This night was different from others. We were reclaiming this ground for God in the midst of a very busy downtown. The incredible thing was that there was more activity throughout the crowd than just in the music. It was absolutely beautiful. Here are just some of the testimonies.

“A man and his wife were really enjoying the worship. They have a ministry downtown to people that have fallen on hard times. They watched as the singers stopped their singing just to pray. Not because someone asked them to or made them, but just because there was a sense that prayer was needed. As they watched, the Holy Spirit fell on both him and his wife and they were overwhelmed that young people would pray without external initiation, but from an internal direction from God.” -Will

“A young man named Ryan, ring in his lip, lit up a cigarette as God helped me to look through the outward exterior to the sweetness beneath. “I know that what they are singing is Christian music. I was in a Christian Band, but I smoked and they said I couldn’t play with them any longer,” Ryan shared. “Well, Ryan,” I said, “ I believe that the Lord is looking at your heart.”

There are some you don’t think are listening, but they are. We don’t have to press or pressure ourselves onto people. We DO need to pray before we get downtown. We must get the burden to the throne beforehand, so God can move in advance. He is going to lead. We must step forward. God wants us to ask, seek, knock. Isn’t it amazing that we are there, no one else is there, we are to share, pray, worship and witness to the goodness of God. The fish are telling the other fish to come around. People have been looking for us. God is moving in surprising ways.” - David

“An elderly couple we met last summer were there. They were so excited to see what is going to happen this year. They are planning on making WW their regular Friday night activity.

As I was sharing with different people, I didn’t feel pressure. I just knew where I was supposed to go next.” –Heidi

“I used to think evangelism was pressuring myself to pressure others, but I am learning that prayer paves the way, that pressure cannot. It is good that I am not pressured either. I was able to come Friday night and rest. I enjoyed a wonderful conversation with my brother in Christ and then the Lord opened a door for us to share and pray with a young man. The Holy Spirit was working so gently.” –Ronnie

I’d like to testify on behalf of the worship team. As we were worshipping Friday night, we noticed one of the youngest audience members participating in dance. Little Ameris was there with her grandparents. She was only a year old. She was up dancing to the music. We all got in on it with her and danced for a little while. Candace initiated her into the band with the infamous percussion egg and she played right along with us. It was amazing how this little moment of play drew such a large crowd.

Jesus said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.” Matthew 18:3